2007 Mohawk District / Edgar Polley

Klondike Derby


General Information:

Where:                  Horine section of Jefferson County Memorial Forest     

Cost:                     $5.00 per person

Dates:          Friday, Feb. 23 through  25,  20067

Judging        A.      All events will be timed or have time limits.  The time to travel between cities will not be part of the scoring.

                   B.      The Judge/Mayor's decisions are final, no appeals.

                   C.      Each troop is requested to furnish a minimum of one judge.                                     Two judges per city will be required.


Support our troops.  Not the Scout troops, but our troops in the military. 
There will be a 20 point bonus event this year for any patrol that brings a "Care Package" for our men and women.  Click here for requirements and some suggestions.

I have a stockpile of events to choose from, several classic events that have been done year after year and some new challenges.  I’m not publishing the list this year.  Just expect the usual scout skills, teamwork, leadership skills, and problem solving events.  There will be a "Claim Jumper" on the trail.  Expect one question about Cub Scouts and 9 other questions will be from the Second Class requirements.  (Hint: Outdoor Code, Scout symbols, Oath, Law, etc...)

The total number of events will be determined by the number of mayors (judges) available. 

Equipment Recommended for Participating in Klondike Derby


1.         Sled                             Marked with troop number and patrol name

2.         Rope                            8 ropes with a minimum length of 8 feet

                                                4 ropes or cords 10 feet long

                                                Ropes or string for lashing poles

                                                Rope or combination ropes to reach 40 feet

3.         Compass

4.         First Aid Equipment      Splints and triangle bandages

5.         Material to make stretcher (two strong poles and a blanket.)

6.         Poncho or Tarp for shelter building event.

7.         Tent pegs

8.         Fire Building Material & Equipment (friction, flint & steel, hot spark, and/or matches)

9.         Lunch                           Must be cooked or warmed up by fire during the Derby.

10.       Water                           2 gallons

11.       Bow Saw, camp saw    Suitable for sawing 4 in logs.

12.       Skillet                           Suitable for cooking a pancake.

13.       Trash Bag

14.              Pencil and Paper

15.              Scout Handbook

16.              Scout neckerchief, scarf, or triangle bandage for each scout.

17.              Some homemade camping item, equipment, or clothing

18.       Patrol flag


John Morton  home (502)968-1354  cell (502)KLondike 3-6042  (553-6042)

http://www.themortons.org/bsa  e-mail  wa4umr@bellsouth.net


Most events are designed for a patrol of 6 to 8 scouts.  PL/SPL leadership skills will be tested. The cities on this year’s Klondike Derby are named after the cities on the Iditarod.   All events are timed or have a time limit this year.  This year, each patrol will again receive a map of the Klondike and the location of the events.  I don’t expect to have mayors for all cities but if we do, it would take about 4 hours to complete all events (including lunch) plus travel time (plus some goof off time.)  Where possible, events with longer times will have materials for more than 1 patrol to participate at a time.  All events (except the Care Package) have a 10-point maximum to speed up final calculations and reduce errors.  One event will have a 50 point bonus.  It is not necessary to score well on the bonus event, but you must receive a score.  No one will know which event is the bonus event until all score sheets have been turned in.  It is important that the patrols have all of the equipment listed.  Patrols will loose points at some events if they do not have the equipment.   About 75% of the events require scout skills.  The other events are either fun, team building,  problem solving, or leadership events.  Skills will include up to First Class skills.  Many of the skills should have been learned on camping trips.   No pre-registrations this year.  If you don’t have enough scouts to compete, contact me and I’ll try to combine 2 small groups to participate as 1 patrol.



Questions, comments, suggestions, etc…  contact John Morton

Home 968-1354     Cell KLondike 3-6042  (553-6042)

E-mail  john@themortons.org    


There are several possibilities for sleds.  The only requirement is that the scouts be able to carry everything they need for the day and that the sled be strong enough to support one scout (for sled rescue event.)   Runners can be made from an old pair of snow skis, steel conduit curved up on one end, or whatever you want to use.  Your sled doesn’t even have to look like a sled.




Need more ideas?  Go to the Internet and search for “Klondike sled” or “Klondike Derby.”  An excellent article can be found at  http://www.boyslife.org/workshop/sledplans.pdf

Need more suggestions, click here for a Google search.