Downloadable Forms (in PDF)

The form listed on this page are viewable with the Adobe Reader®.  If you do not have this program for your computer go to the Adobe website.  Select "Get the Adobe Reader" icon  to download the best version for your computer.  It is a free download.

Most of these form have been formatted so that you can download them to your computer and type in the information and then print the form.  You can download the forms and save the forms but you can not save the changes (information you type in) unless you have Adobe Acrobat®.  Adobe Acrobat is not a free program.

I have tried to standardize the format that is used on each form.

Form Number Name Format Editable
14-220 Quality Unit - Cub Scout Pack (2005 or 2006) PDF 2006 yes
2005 no
14-221 Quality Unit - Boy Scout Troop (2005 or 2006) PDF no
14-222 Quality Unit - Varsity Scout Team (2005 or 2006) PDF no
14-219 Quality Unit - Venturing Crew/Ship (2005 or 2006) PDF no
10-278 BSA Prepared and Ready Award Application PDF yes
21-377 Hometown U.S.A. Award Application PDF yes
92-103 Silver Beaver Nomination PDF yes
33412 Personal Health and Medical Record (Class 3) PDF yes (3)
34414 Personal Health and Medical Record (Class 1 and 2) PDF yes
4419 National Tour Permit (Prints best on 8½ X 14 paper) PDF yes
34426 Local Tour Permit (for trips under 500 miles) PDF yes
Merit Badge Councilor Application (LHC) PDF yes
National Camping Award PDF yes
Application: Physical Fitness Award PDF yes
18-927 Eagle Scout Leadership Project Workbook PDF yes
58-714 Hall/McElwain Scholarship Application  (Deadline passed) PDF no
58-702 Eagle Scout Academic Scholarship Application (Deadline passed) PDF no
U or L Eagle Scout Scholarship Application (1/31 deadline each year) PDF yes
NESA Membership Application PDF no
34-38 Informed Consent Agreement (Permission slip) PDF yes
33720C Nomination for the District Award of Merit PDF yes
Nomination for President's or Buckskin Award PDF yes
Leave No Trace Awareness Award PDF yes
19-602 Emergency Preparedness BSA Application PDF yes
58-728 Eagle Scout Rank Application PDF yes (2)(3)
33748 National Summertime Pack Award PDF yes
34437 Troop Resource Survey PDF no
Talligewi Lodge #62, 2005 Membership Renewal form PDF yes
Unit Money-Earning Application PDF yes
2006 Campership Application for Summer Camp PDF no
2006 CCC Staff Application PDF yes
LHC Budget form (for district and council events) PDF yes

(1)    May not conform exactly to all of the format instruction listed above.
(2)    Formatting provided by other source.
(3)    This form has individual blocks for some letters and numbers.  You must enter a single character, and then press the TAB key to move to the next block.

The National BSA website "forms" page  has additional form.  If a form seems to be out of date please check the national site for an update.

If you find that a form is out of date and there is a new version available, please e-mail me with the information.  Also, if you find that I have an error in the way something was formatted, please let me know that also