April 14, 2005

Day 4

Found out today that our team will maintain Team integrity. We will only get a soldier from Florida if we lose someone through SRP. We had already cleared the SRP in Kentucky so there should be no problems here. Today is basically a day off. Everyone finished the SRP yesterday our by 10:00am. I got up this morning about 0630 took my time. Went for a run about 1 ¼ 13mins long. Went had breakfast, read on an Afghanistan book, went took shower and walked up to the PX got a hair cut, ate some spicy chicken for lunch. I had lunch with COL Carter BGD Doctor, and LTC West. LTC west is always in the loop about anything going on. I asked him about the situation with Florida and he said that we would maintain team integrity and not have anyone from Florida.

Posted by john at April 14, 2005 03:02 PM