March 17, 2006

Need School Supplies

We are in great need of school supplies for the area we conduct operatons in.

The provance is Oruzgan Provance. It is north of Kandahar and they don't get much support from anyone out here. Most of the school don't even have a roof. Some times the schools are in tents. The Talban just recently burned a school about 25 miles north of where we a located. The enemey doen't want the people to learn to read and write.

If your Unit would like to send a package please try to send by the 10th of April that way it will get to me in time so I can go out with the soldiers to distrubute.

Items needed:
book bags,
note books,
pen & pencils, and pencil sharpenies
sports eq. like soccor balls and hand pumps and the needles Children shoes


Mark Wilson

Posted by john at March 17, 2006 02:57 PM