June 25, 2006

Counting the days now.

I am very grateful my replacement has finally showed up. Will train him for the next week and around the 28 of June will start the process of coming home.

I want to think all the people that have sent packages, prayed for all the troops and all my friends.

Look forward to seeing everyone again and getting back to my old life.

See you all soon.



Posted by john at 10:34 PM

June 04, 2006

Six week, but who's counting?

All is going well here. Down to about 6 weeks before we get home. Can't wait. Although I still have as much work to do as every. I am looking forward to the new team showing up.

Working with the ANA on ordering supplies. I have been trying to teach them their new supply system.

The last 2 days we have had big dust storms kick up.

See you all soon


Posted by john at 10:12 PM