February 12, 2005

February 2005

February 12, 2005- It's been a while since I've written anything but since I'm getting ready to head out again I figure that I had better get back into the habit. What a difference a couple of years makes. When I look at the 2003 entries, especially towards the end I want to say, "Oh, what a whiner." I'm sure that is not how I felt back then but it sure seems that way now.

At any rate I am looking forward to being back on the trail this March. I haven't decided my exact starting date. Originally, I set it for March 18th. The sixteenth is our wedding anniversary and I want to be home for that so the the 18th seemed appropriate. However, we are having a major Cub Scouting event (District Pinewood Derby) on the 19th so I decided that waiting a few more days wouldn't hurt. Then I was persuaded that a meeting on the 22nd that I was hoping to avoid was just too important for me to miss. Only 5 days after that is Easter and I guess I should be home for that. That puts me up to the 28th as the day I would be leaving Louisville. Finally, someone mentioned that if I would only stay for 4 additional days I wouldn't miss Scout-O-Rama. Sorry, something has to give sometime. Then, on the other hand, Scout-O-Rama is on April Fools Day so I guess we will have to see what happens.

In a way, I've already started. Undertaking an adventure of this sort takes a bit of mental, physical, and emotional preparation. There will be more about this is subsequent entries. I also need to pull forward in time any major tasks and responsibilities and try to tend to them before I leave. This includes things at home, things for the City of Parkway Village(my employer) and things for Scouts. It promises to be a hectic time.

Posted by john at February 12, 2005 04:56 PM