March 18, 2005

March 18, 2005- It's been a while since I've updated but I've been extremely busy. Even though I have retired from my regular 40 hour per week job I still work part time. My hours are flexible and I have the luxury of working at home. This is a two edged sword as I feel that I have to get everything that needs to be done in the next 6 months completed before I leave. This has turned my normal 10 to 12 hour work week into a 50 to 60 hour week

I've also found time to visit my daughter. She is a student at the University of Michigan and spends her summers doing field research in Alaska. She usually visits for a week or 2 after the spring semester ends and before heading to the tundra. Since I, hopefully, won't be here for her visit this year I figured it might be a good idea to go visit her. I've also been in the process of getting the medical stuff together. The dental stuff is nearly complete, (I was informed that I have another tooth that needs to come out but decided to wait on that since the last time I was told an extraction was needed the tooth lasted for 3 additional years before it started annoying me.) I visit my regular doctor next week but I don't expect him to say anything negative. He is has always found me to be in good condition, "for my age", but always cautions me to remember that I am not twenty anymore.

Finally there are the scouting activities. Our District Pinewood Derby is coming up tomorrow and I'm the de facto chair. It's been running me wild. Overall, it's been a very harried and hectic time. I'm really looking forward to moving back into the slow lane.

Posted by at March 18, 2005 05:45 PM