April 01, 2005

Friday 4/1/05
Start - Gooch Gap Shelter
Stop - Woody Gap
Miles traveled 5.9

Great crowd in the shelter last night. Nothing like a bit of rain to bring everyone in.

Just couldn't get started this morning. In fact, I had made up my mind that I wasn't going anywhere till the rain stopped. Finally changed my mind shortly after noon, packed up and left.

Today's battles were more mental than physical. I was worried about Emily and wondering if she got home alright and for the first time I had doubts about my ability to hike this hike. Unwelcome thoughts kept surfacing. Thoughts like, you know your leg can break in half at any moment or you know that if you get confused you will wander around these woods for centuries and other similar thoughts. All the time aware that yet another thunderstorm is predicted for tonight.

Got to the road at Woody Gap and saw Chickenknee. He was waiting for the hostel shuttle. My choice was spend $15.00 for a roof out of the storm, a hot shower, and breakfast or have a free night under a nylon tarp in a thunderstorm followed by breakfast in the mud. Which would you choose? My answer will come tomorrow.

Posted by at April 1, 2005 06:05 PM