April 07, 2005

Thursday 4/7/05
Start - Tray Mtn Shelter
Stop - Hiawassee, GA
Miles travelled 10.6

I can't say that I've looked at clouds from both sides now but I can say that I've spent an entire day walking through them and I didn't like it one bit. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

First the events of last evening. When I arrived at the shelter last evening the thought occurred to me that I
should hang my tarp across the opening. I just wish I had translated the thought into action. At around 2 am a wind shift brought a deluge of rain into the shelter. By the time the situation was brought under control everything was slightly damp.

Now back to the clouds. When I'm going uphill I use visual points of reference to assure myself that I am indeed making progress. When visibility is only 10 - 15 feet I have no sense of progress. The climbs just seem to go on forever. Today's walk took me up and over Young Lick Knob (300 ft)., Round Top (560 ft), Kelly Knob (965 ft),. and Powell Mtn ( up 200 and down 1.,100) to Dicks Creek Gap where I was able to get a ride into Hiawassee. Didn't plan to go so far today but a damp sleeping bag and the promise of more thunderstorms, in fact there is one going on right now., prompted me to go the extra miles.

Will probably take tomorrow off to resupply, do laundry, and find out about getting this transmitted.

Posted by at April 7, 2005 06:13 PM