April 25, 2005

About this BLOG

Greetings to all of the fans of Grayghost. I've created this blog for Roy while he is hiking the Appalachian Trail. It's unlikely that Grayghost will be able to participate directly with this BLOG until he returns home, however, you may leave comments on each entry as they are posted and he can review them when he does return home.

If you would like to receive an e-mail notification of updates, drop me a line at wa4umr@bellsouth.net and I'll add you to the notification list.

Grayghost is keeping his journal on a PDA. He had hoped to interface it with his cellphone but there were some technical problems that prevented that. His PDA uses SD memory cards. When he gets to a town where he can send snail-mail, he mails a card to his home in Louisville. His family copies the info to the webpage and they e-mail the info to me. They mail the SD memory card to a location where Grayghost can pick it up. He then swaps cards and mails the other one back home. As you can probably guess, updates come about twice a month. The entries in the BLOG at this time are copied from the journal on the web site.

Posted by john at April 25, 2005 07:22 PM