April 10, 2005

Sunday 4/10/05
Start - Muskrat Creek Shelter
Stop - Winding Stair Gap
Miles traveled 14.2
The biggest day yet. Even though I only went a little more than 14 miles only 8 or so was on the AT. The remaining miles were on the Kimberling Creek Trail. About 4 miles after Muskrat Creek the AT turns south and makes a giant fishhook. The Kimberling Creek Trail meets the AT at that turning point and runs North by Northeast.

By taking this shortcut I moved 28.4 miles up the trail. I feel OK doing this because it was not my intention to repeat every step I had already done. I started at the beginning to condition myself for the more difficult parts ahead.
The scenery on this particular hike was fabulous, lots of white water, waterfalls, and creek walking. I even remembered to take pictures. That is till my camera battery died.

I'm cowboy camping again tonight. I found a giant boulder about 100 ft back from the highway. The rock completely screened me from the road and so I bedded down.

Posted by at April 10, 2005 12:54 AM