April 18, 2005

Monday 4/18/05
Start - Cable Gap Shelter
Stop - Fontana Dam, NC
Miles traveled 6.9

The Nantahala just refused to give up its grip. It may be the accumulated fatigue from the preceding days or it may have been frustration caused by my desire to reach Fontana Dam but these were very tough miles. It was hot too. The trail designers seemed to take delight in running the route over every little knob and hump possible.

While hiking today, I thought I heard a helicopter nearby. I looked all around and couldn't spot it. The sound got closer but I still couldn't spot it. You can imagine my surprise when it pulled up next to me. It had been below me the entire time.

However, I finally made it and am planning a badly needed rest day.

162.9 total miles completed. Next up, crossing the length of the Smokies.

The device that I write these entries on uses an internal rechargeable battery. With entries of this length a charge lasts about 6 days. I anticipate being able to recharge every 8-10 days. Consequently future entries will have to be shorter.

Posted by at April 18, 2005 01:16 AM