April 20, 2005

Wednesday 4/20/05
Start - Fontana Dam, NC
Stop - Mollies Ridge Shelter
Miles travelled 11

It was hard saying good-bye again but Mary Rose had to get on back to Louisville and I suspect that Andrew and Ellen were eager to get back.

Ellen drove my pack over Fontana Dam to the end of the paved road while Mary Rose and I walked along.

After they left, I became a bit bewildered. It all started with a deer. When I saw the deer I wanted a picture. Whenever I tried to get close enough the deer would move. I finally got within 10 feet and got the picture. I then realized I was no longer on the trail. After about 45 minutes of searching I found it.

Hiking wise the main event was the long steep climb up Shukstack. A ridge runner was on top congratulating everyone for completing the longest, steepest climb in the Park.

Got a heroes welcome and a hug from Grasshopper when I arrived at the shelter because I was the 15th person to show up. SMNP regulations state that hikers must sleep in shelters unless they are full. They are designed to hold 14. When I arrived someone became eligible to camp outside. Nearly everyone wanted to. You don't get a restful sleep in a full shelter.

Posted by at April 20, 2005 12:48 AM