May 11, 2005

Date- Wednesday, 5/11/05
Start- Newport, TN
Stop- Groundhog Creek Shelter
Miles Travelled- 7.2

I promised myself I would do a short day today to ease back into things after taking 10 or so days off. I'm glad I did because I'm really tired.

During my hiatus I had forgotten how endless some of the ups were. Snowbird was one of the endless ups. I got dropped off at about 9:30 thls morning and started hiking up. Didn't reach the top till 2:30 in the afternoon. There was a strange white structure at the top. The warning signs identified it as some type of FAA beacon. It may be, but it looks lilke something from area 51.

Kentuckians rule the shelter tonight In here with me is Tom, from Lexinton and Puxitawny Phil from the Hikes Point area in Louisville. Puxitawny graduated from St. X in 1970 and knows Billy Redmon. Claims he was Billy's wrestling partner. Well, they say it's a small world and I guess it is

Posted by john at May 11, 2005 11:47 PM