May 15, 2005

Date- Sunday, 5/15/05
Start- Hot Springs, NC
Stop- Spring Mtn Shelter
Miles Travelled- 11

Well, I summoned up the determination and left Hot Springs this morning.

It was especially difficult to do because it was raining. The weatherman promised that it would clear in the afternoon and fortunatly he turned out to be right. I don't mind morning rains too much if I get to dry out in the afternoon.

I got here rather early and felt like going on but determined after checking the map and guidebook that the next likely camping area was 8 miles away and I didn't think I had another 8 in the legs.

Today I passed what looked like grave markers. I've passed old ones before but these were recent. I photographed them and if the inscriptlons are readable on the prints I will research them further.

It seems that most decided to stay in town today as it's just me and the mice here tonight.

Posted by john at May 15, 2005 11:56 PM