May 30, 2005

Date- Monday 5/30/05
Start- Kincora Hiker Hostel
Stop- Kincora Hiker Hostel
Miles Travelled- 0

I feel like a new person today. A good meal, a hot shower, and clean clothes are all it took. I was greatly tempted to leave but was talked into staying over one day.

Bob Peoples, the hostel owner, has taken care of thousands of hikers over the years. He told me that it generally takes the muscles 48 hours to recover and that pushing on before recovery will greatly increase the risk of severe injury.

He also advised me that the next section was extremely demanding with a 2,000 ascent over 2 miles and a 2,000 descent over 2 miles. This is significantly steeper than the usual 500 feet per mile that I huff and puff over.

I admit I'm still tired. I slept for 9 hours last night, have only been up for 2 and I'm ready for a nap.

I've been wondering how I got into this condition and was playing with numbers. When I started, I was taking a rest day a week but was only going 35-40 miles per week.
I took the first one at Neels Gap after going 30.5 miles. The next one was 36 miles later at Hiawassee. Forty miles later found me taking another at Franklin. Fifty-Six miles later found me taking a day in Fontana Dam. Attempting the 70 mile stretch in the Smokeys resulted in a slip and an injury. I won't belabor the point by going on but I checked the latest figures and found that it's been a full week and 71 miles since my last break. I guess it is about due.

A few side notes. Kincora is Celtic and means, "kinship of the heart".

I met an Alaskan who probably knows Mary Anne. He worked at Pump Station 4, near Tulik. He told me that the researchers at Tulilk sometimes came to the Pump Station for meals.

Posted by at May 30, 2005 10:38 AM