June 06, 2005

Date- Monday 6/6/05
Start- Lost Mountain Shelter
Stop- Thomas Knob Shelter
Miles Travelled- 12.2

The day was as difficult as I thought it would be which made it easy. It's a mental and emotional thing. I can handle a difficult day if I'm prepared for it. I sometimes want to throw in the towel when the day doesn't go as easily as I expect.

There were some bright spots. When I completed the long climb up Buzzard Rock I ran into a large group of high school students and their chaperones getting ready for a lunch break. I was invited to join in, an invitation I eagerly accepted. It was the best trail lunch I had since I started.

I got to see a different sort of animal today. The trail wound through a pasture complete with cows, calves, and bulls. I was a little nervous but I made it across without incident.

In the shelter tonight with White Crow (from Louisville), Captain Morgan, and 6 teenagers who are out for a couple of days. The teens were a mixed group of ROTC high school students and enlisted men just out of basic. They were wearing camouflage and will be referred to as the Commandos. They were nice kids but didn't have a clue as to what the were doing.

The shelter was a pig sty when Captain Morgan, White Crow, and I showed up. Gear was strewn across the shelter mixed in with empty cans, food wrappers, and cigarette packs. I made a comment to the effect that it reminded me of some tents I'd seen at summer camp. We got to work and got the kids to clean up the place and compact their stuff. One of the Commandos overheard my comment about summer camp and we got into a general conversation about Scouting. He told me that they were all current or former boy scouts and that he was an Eagle Scout. I rolled my eyes in despair.

Posted by at June 6, 2005 01:20 PM