August 16, 2005

Additional links

Greetings to all.

I've added three new links to the blog. The Kabul weather link (Weather Underground) was the original weather link on the blog. I've added the Weather Underground link for Kandahar. I've also included two CNN links. One is Kabul and the other is Kandahar. I don't know which source is the most accurate. Right now, Weather Underground show 81º in Kabul and CNN shows 73º but if you look at the forcast for then next day, Weather Underground is predicting a high of 89º while CNN predicts the high to be 94º.

So, take your choice. One of them is probably pretty close. The problem is "Which one?"

I haven't heard from Mark in over a week but Lori said she talks to him and "he is doing good."

Posted by john at August 16, 2005 12:35 AM