August 24, 2005


Things are going well here. There is a lot of preparations here for the parlementry elections for the Afgans. This is going to be very large operation. The ANA that we are training and working with will be providing security in the province to make sure the Anti Coalition Members (Talabin and Alqada) don't interfer with the elections.

Just got a few items in that my wife Lori sent me. A DVD player and I got several case's of popcorn form the Lincoln Heritage Council. I look forward to a movie and popcorn tonight.

It's is still very hot here during the day, but it is starting to get dark early and about 2 or 3 am it gets cool. I expect it will get really cold here this winter. These people are really tough. To grow up and live in the conditions they do.

Mark Wilson

Posted by john at August 24, 2005 05:20 PM