January 19, 2006

Letter from Mark

Click to view the extended entry. It contains the text of the letter that Mark Wilson sent to be read at the Mohawk District Recognition Dinner on Friday, January 13, 2006.

Hi all

Just would like to say I am sorry that I am not able to be with you all tonight. Our country called and I am now in Afghanistan working with the Afghan National Army.

This has been an excellent experience for me so far. The Afghans are a very friendly people. They really hate what the Talban has done to their country. 75% of the people here can't read and write their own language. The Talban doesn't want people here to learn. Two days ago they burned down a school that the US had just finished building.

My job here is to teach the Afghan National Army on how to be an army. I mentor the officers and soldiers of an infantry Battalion Headquarters. The different things I am trying to teach them is basic leadership skills, first aid, and citizenship skills.

We are teaching a lot of the basic values that you all teach the youth everyday in the scouting programs there in the US. I think my job working with Scouting has done a lot to prepare me for what I am doing now.

I do want you all to know our mission here is very important. The Afghan people want us here. Their country has been destroyed by 30 years of war. The US has done a lot to rebuild schools that have been destroyed. We have made sure that girls can go to school and get an education. US engineers have assisted with building roads and we all have helped make this country secure so people don't have to live in fear. We continue every day to help the people here to rebuild their country.

I consider myself to be very lucky that I did get to come home for the holidays and spent time with my wife Lori and baby boy Jacob. They are doing well. My son is crawling, he trying to pull himself up and he is trying to walk with a little assistance . He’s learning a few words. Also I got to change a few stinking diapers. I can't tell you all how great it was to be home if it was only for 15 days.

I am looking forward to coming home in July. I will have a few good stories to share with you all when I get back home.

I just want to thank you all for what you do working with Young people. Teaching them the values of scouting does so much for our country you will never know. If the soldiers I am working with here had half the skills as our Scouts and Ventures have this army would be miles ahead of where we are today. Keep up the good work because you do make a difference everyday.

Thank you

Mark Wilson

Posted by john at January 19, 2006 02:39 PM