January 19, 2006

BLOG update

This is John. TWO items of interest.

I have had to make a few changes to the BLOG. As anyone on the internet knows, SPAM is not just a meat product from the Hormel Company. Besides this BLOG, I have a couple of others that I am sponsoring. Two of those have been hit pretty bad by spammers and the messages were not advertising family vacations in New England in Autum. Mark's BLOG only got hit with one message. A BLOG for my 9 month old grand daughter had about 20 and the Grayghost site got hit with a bunch.

As a result of those actions I have turned off the "Comments" option on all entries. I hate to do this because some of you have entered some comments and I have forwarded them on to Mark. If you have Mark's address you can e-mail him direct. If you do not, please send your comments to me (john@themortons.org) and I will forward them on to Mark. I promised Mark that I would not distribute his e-mail address in an effort to keep him from getting all of the spam, jokes, and other things that go around via e-mail. Remember, he is using computers, communications facilities, and other resources that belong to the U. S. Military.

I regret that I have to take these actions but I hope you understand. If I can find a work-around to prevent the problem I'll turn the "Comments" on again.

There are two new entries (other than this notice) from Mark. Check them out.

Posted by john at January 19, 2006 03:50 PM