February 21, 2006

21 FEB 06

I am doing great. My leave at home went way to fast.

Hope you all have good Klondike Derby weather.

Jacob is crawling much faster now. He is keep Lori busy just trying to keep up
with him. He loves going to the mall where there are lots of people. Lori
signed him up for swimming classes that were supposed to start today.

Here in Afghanistan like always staying very busy. Spent about 2 weeks in
Kandahar clearing Operations funds and and misc other things. Of the $25,000 I
spent all but 450 worth. Your Tax dollars at work. We use the money to buy
parts for trucks, and items the ANA have to have that they can't get though
their supply system.

I spent the rest of the time going to meetings, and gathering items that our
team needed. We just got in our team Sweat Shirts. I want to Thank Barbara
Weber and T-Shirt Designs she donated the t-Shirts, and Sweat-Shirts.

Finally got back out to Tarin Kowt where my team is based about 2 weeks ago.

When I got back out from Kandahar Airfield we call KAF. I went on about 8
missions in about 10 days. Mostly out with the local Public Reconstruction
Team. Mostly the ANA asked local villages if they have any problems that their
government can try to help them with. Most want wells dug in their villages.
Then the soldiers would pass out free-bees. Mostly a lot of radios. Since the
Afghan people out here can't get TV they rely on radios to get messages out to
the people. But the people here can't afford radios. So the ANA pass out a
lot of radios so they can get news.

This goes a long way to help the people hear whats going on with their
government. They start to hear things that might not be the same thing their
local mullah is telling them.

We have been building our own little FOB. We have been calling it Camp Hub-bas
which is Afghan for Goodness. Well we just moved in a few days ago and our
quality of life just went up about 100%. Our camp is right up next to the
Australian camp. The Aussie are great neighbors. They have helped us with so
much stuff. Never really had an opinion of the Australians before I got here but
they are really good soldiers and like I said they have done nothing but help
us and we are very greatful. I will propalby try to get several made KY Col..

We have been working with the AnA with training and supply issues. I am still
trying to teach the ANA officers how to incorporate their Non Commissioned
officers and soldiers into training. The officers still want to do things the
way the Soviets did things. The US army is still clearly better organized and

We only have about 4 1/2 months left. I almost fill like a short timer. I
have been talking to my wife about vacation that we are going on when I get

Take care,

Mark Wilson

Posted by john at February 21, 2006 05:34 PM