February 28, 2006

23 Feb 06

I did training with the Headquarters medics today. We covered head wounds, splints, shock, and burns. Most knew how to deal with most of those injuries/wounds. Then I asked them if they knew any carries.

They asked what is a carry. So I showed them 2 carries. Like where you lock arms forming as seat, and the 2 man carry. Not for sure the correct names but this was the first time they had been taught how to carry someone. We had some fun with it. They were excited to learn something new. These carries are some things that boy scouts learn working on the first aid merit badge. I remember learning them as a youth.

Any how things are going well. We moved into our new camp about a week ago. We moved out of tents into what we call B-Huts. Buildings made out of plywood with tin on the roof. These are much better then the tents we were in. My room is almost as large as my bedroom back home. If I could just get internet in my room then that would be great. Still have some work to do in my room to get it where I want it. But I have TV and some movies.

Watched the latest Star War movies last night. It rained here a little today. Saw a really nice rainbow this afternoon.

Also I am looking to do sometime of service project with the Rotary Club on education here. Looking for some scout units that might be willing to gather some school supplies to send over here. The province I am in doesn't get much support from the government. The teacher we have teaching the ANA said that there was a teacher beat up by the police in one of the districts a little ways from here. There seems to be a lot of police corruption interffering with edcuation.

Take care


Posted by john at February 28, 2006 10:48 PM