July 24, 2005

July 24th-ish

Received the following note from Mark today.

Things have been very busy. Still trying to learn a lot of new things. As well as language is a major barrier, and there in only one interpetor.

I am at my main base here in Afganistan. We have the best Kandak that we are working with. There are many things that we can teach the Afgan National Army.

Mark also wanted me to "Tell everyone hi for me. And let them know I am doing well." I think I just did. Mark said that if he ever gets decent internet access He will try to make some entries himself, but don't expect it to be every day.

Posted by john at 08:36 PM

July 14, 2005

Introduction to the BLOG

Greetings to all of Mark's friends. I've created this BLOG for Mark so that everyone can keep up with his progress and "adventures." Mark has a login and password so that he can make entries. As of right now, his internet access has been limited. I'll be posting notes for him until that access improves. Check back from time to time to see what's going on.

Posted by john at 07:05 PM

13 Jul 05

Will be leaving kabul in the next few days. I will be moving to Kandahar some time in the near future.

Posted by john at 06:55 PM

July 11, 2005

11 Jul 05

Mark is on his way to his assignment. Got a message from him today. Click the "Continue Reading...." to see what he had to say. It could be condenced into just 3 letters... H-O-T.

If you could pass onto everyone for me I am doing well. I am about half way though my journey to get to the base I will be operating out of. It is supposed to be pretty nice with email, food, work out gym and running track.

Needless to say is very hot over here. It's not the humid heat we have at home. Went to watch the longest yard and the tent was 116 degrees inside with the airconditing running. The projector got so hot that 10 minutes before the movie was over the projector overheated, and wouldn't cool off.

Do miss some of the things like TV, good air conditing, and cold drinks. There is lots of bottle water over here but it is all hot. When it is cold it is only like 80 degrees. I don't think they have heard of Ice makers here.

Any how take it easy.

Posted by john at 05:11 PM