April 14, 2005

Day 4

Found out today that our team will maintain Team integrity. We will only get a soldier from Florida if we lose someone through SRP. We had already cleared the SRP in Kentucky so there should be no problems here. Today is basically a day off. Everyone finished the SRP yesterday our by 10:00am. I got up this morning about 0630 took my time. Went for a run about 1 ¼ 13mins long. Went had breakfast, read on an Afghanistan book, went took shower and walked up to the PX got a hair cut, ate some spicy chicken for lunch. I had lunch with COL Carter BGD Doctor, and LTC West. LTC west is always in the loop about anything going on. I asked him about the situation with Florida and he said that we would maintain team integrity and not have anyone from Florida.

Posted by john at 03:02 PM

April 13, 2005

Day 3

Got up around 5:45 am went over to the dinning hall. Caught bus to the Soldier Readiness Program location. I didn’t have my dental file and had to start a new one. This separated me from my team. There were 4 of us from Kentucky that had to do dental first. That was good because that got us by the big long lines and we knocked out several stations quick like blood work, eye screening, mental health, had to go get a panoramic done for our teeth. When we got back to the main building the lines that had been 1 to 2 hours standing in them were empty. Except the line to the medical screening with a medical doctor. That line was 3hours long. They only had 3 or 4 doctors which was a joke. They should have had more doctors. The doctor wrote my prescriptions and they ordered me 180 day supply and a 90 day supply of Nexium and Allegra D. Which should be free of cost? From there we went to the other SRP location and just got in before they shut down and it only took us 30 minutes to get through legal, chaplain, Life insurance, pay and a few others. Now we are supposed to have Friday off because we finished. Getting ready to go visit PX to see what kind of stuff they have up there.
LTC Belt got back from the brief and gave us and update of things to come. Florida which is the higher headquarters had discussed wanting to pull several people out of our team to form another team under a LTC that is in their task force. WE are not happy about this.

Posted by john at 03:01 PM

April 12, 2005

Day 2

We got up around 5am. Went to chow hall breakfast was real good. Had Biskets and gravy was better than Cracker Barrel? We went to the movie theater for a day of briefings. Some of the topics welcome to Camp Shelby leave the endangered Turtle, red headed woodpeckers alone, Sexual harassment policy, assault policy, living overseas.
This was like having teeth pulled. So far living arrangements were better than I had expected. The only thing I don’t care for is the bathrooms are in a separate building.

Posted by john at 03:00 PM

April 11, 2005

Day 1

Got to armory at 8a.m. had formation loaded up on bus made 5 min ride to airport? Our team caught a Charter Southwest plane to Trent Lott Air National Guard base in Camp Shelby Mississippi. The flight was about 1:45 Minutes. From there we rode a charter bus to Mobilization base Camp Shelby. Once we got here we got our room set up and went and got our new Active Duty ID cards. The truck showed up with the rest of our gear. Our team worked together to moved everything to barracks and we finished getting our rooms put together. Lights out around 11am central time.

Posted by john at 02:59 PM