April 12, 2005

Tuesday 4/12/05
Start -Franklin, NC
Stop - Siler Bald Shelter
Miles traveled 3.7

First I want to apologize for the atrocious spelling in the previous entries. They are written on a PDA and Palm made subtle changes in the graffiti used. These changes coupled with the small font size of the word to go software that made it impossible to tell if the character produced was the character intended caused quite a few new English words to be created. I've since learned how to increase the font size. Now I can see what I'm writing. I've also discovered that I have a spell checker. These steps should resolve all problems.

It was very tempting to stay in town this morning. The weather report called for heavy rains and storms. However, staying in towns cost money so I decided to move on.

Made it here just as the skies opened up. How hard is it raining? I put a 1 gallon plastic ice cream bucket outside and it filled in 20 minutes. The rain, coupled with 40 degree temperature and high wind speed made for ideal hypothermia conditions. I decided to stop while I was still reasonably dry. At least I'm dry and out of the wind.

It will however, make for a long day tomorrow. Well, well what do you know? The sun came out at 7:10..

Posted by at April 12, 2005 01:04 AM