April 13, 2005

Wednesday 4/13/05
Start -Siler Bald Shelter
Stop - Cold Spring Shelter
Miles traveled 12.1

Last night the storms rolled in. It was a terrific storm. There have been more severe storms but it was the worst I have ever experienced. The lightening display put any fireworks program to shame and the thunder shook the shelter. It rained and hailed outside and rained mice inside. I don't know what made them so unstable but they kept falling off the rafters. A couple even ended up in sleeping bags. It was anything but a peaceful night.

Today's hike was mostly an uphill struggle. Once again I was slogging through mud that was at times 8 inches deep. I ran out of gas about 1/3 the way up Wayah Bald. I walk 10 steps and stop. Frasier Fir who was day hiking passed me as he was coming from the top. He offered me 3 York Peppermint Patties. I ate 2 and talk about jet fuel I charged right on to the top in practically no time at all. Fog and mist obscured the normally fantastic views found on this stretch.

It was raining when I arrived at a full shelter. So I'm tarping tonight.

Posted by at April 13, 2005 01:07 AM