April 15, 2005

Friday 4/15/05
Start - A. Rufus Morgan Shelter
Stop - Campsite near Grassy Gap
Miles traveed 3.3

Not many miles today. I planned to go further but things don't always work as planned. Left the shelter and made it to the Nantahala Outdoor Center when I realized I didn't have my camera. I had left it at the shelter 7/10s of a mile back and 500 ft up. I went back to get the camera and it was still there. I then went to the NOC a second time. Spent some time at the outfitter looking for a new Platypus bite valve (no luck) and some additional tent stakes (success). Decided to have a shower, lunch, and a laundry visit. Couldn't seem to tear myself away till after 2.

Spent the rest of the afternoon walking uphill. Camping with Caroline, Gumby, Pokey, Dandy Lion (a Brit), Grasshopper, and Hitman.

Posted by at April 15, 2005 01:11 AM