April 16, 2005

Saturday 4/16/05
Start - Campsite near Grassy Gap
Stop - Campsite in Locust Cove Gap
Miles traveled 8

Probably my worst day attitudewise. Started out OK when I was awakened at about 5:30 by a symphony of owls. It was hauntingly beautiful listening to them call back and forth. I can't even guess how many were involved.
Things quickly soured with the monstrous climb up Swim Bald. Started up at 8 o'clock and didn't reach the top till well after noon. This was followed by the relatively small 500 ft climb up Cheoah Bald. The 2 climbs really took the starch out of me. And it was hot too.

All day I've been thinking of soft beds, clean sheets, air conditioning, water you don't, have to treat, and good food. If a magic geni had appeared I might very well had wished myself home.

These past 2 days were tough and are the reason I started from the beginning, as I am certain I would not have made it this far without the prior 2 1/2 weeks of conditioning.

Posted by at April 16, 2005 01:13 AM