April 22, 2005

Friday 4/22/05
Start - Derrick Knob Shelter
Stop - Double Spring Shelter
Miles travelled 7

Not too many miles today but the weather made it a marathon. It was cold, windy and rainy. When I tried to rest I froze.

I planned a short day today because tomorrow will be a long 14 mile day with a climb up and over Clingmans Dome, the highest point on the AT. A day hiker told me that snow is being forcast for tomorrow.

A sad note. I fear we lost Carolyn today. She started about a half hour before I did. About an hour into the hike I passed her as she was going back to Derrick Bald. She had an escort of 6 hikers and a splinted arm in a sling. She slipped and suspected that she had broken her arm. We started on the same day and spent practically every night together at the same shelter or campsite. I'll miss her greatly.

Posted by at April 22, 2005 12:50 AM