April 23, 2005

Saturday 4/23/05
Start - Double Spring Shelter
Stop - Newfound Gap
Miles travelled 10.8

Actually I'm sitting in Gatlinburg, TN. The first time in a couple of days that I know what state I'm in. The trail runs right along the TN/NC border and I cross from state to state several times each day. I will continue to follow the border to for the next few weeks.

Now, what am I doing in Gatlinburg, the last place I expected to be.

When I woke this morning it was cold and raining. The temperature kept dropping as the day went by. When I went over Clingmans Dome it was extremely cold and the rain turned to snow. By Newfound Gap I had chips of ice floating in my water bottle and heard that the overnight temperature was expected to be near zero.

As I was trying to decide whether to try for the next shelter or stay in the gap and spend the night in a marginally heated restroom a van with a family in it pulls up to me, and the driver asked if I wanted a ride into town.

Trail Lore speaks of Angels, people who just pop up and offer advice and or help when needed. This particular offer was too good to refuse and so here I am.

Posted by at April 23, 2005 12:50 AM