April 28, 2005

Thursday 4/28/05
Start -Cosby Knob Shelter
Stop - Standing Bear Farm
Miles travelled 10.4

At last I'm out of the Smokies. Seems that most of the hikers are glad to leave them behind. They are cold and wet. I have been hiking through precipitation, either in the from of rain, show, hail, freezing rain, or sleet for 8 consecutive days. Worse, hiking in the park is regulated by virtue of the requirement that hikers stay in shelters overnight. It became frustrating to stop at 2 or 3 in the afternoon only because you know you won't make it to the next shelter by dark.

I'm planning to take a few days rest to let my back, which is still very sore.

Posted by at April 28, 2005 12:56 AM