April 29, 2005

Friday 4/29/05
Start - Standing Bear Farm
Stop - Louisville, KY
Miles travelled 0

I’m back home for a few days. When I called to say that I was going to take a few days off my family was more than eager to come and retrieve me so that I could spend time with them. It’s nice to know that I’m liked at home. The time will not be completely wasted. I’ve covered a total of 237.3 miles and it’s time to thoroughly dry out, clean, and repair equipment. These are chores I was planning to do anyway albeit another 30 or so miles up the trail. I don’t think the back injury is severe. It’s just that it takes 2 to 3 hours in the morning to loosen up so that I could move comfortably and I find that it starts cramping after only 30-45 minutes of walking and I have to stop for 15-20 minutes to stretch it out again. I can’t cover much territory at that rate. I think it just needs a few days of rest and it will be back to normal. Then I will have to find a way back. The family that was eager to have me back, may not be so eager to see me leave again.

Posted by at April 29, 2005 12:57 AM