May 07, 2005

May 7, 2005

Start - Louisville, KY
Stop - Louisville, KY
Miles travelled 0
Cumulative miles - 237.3

At last the necessary breakthrough occurred. Yesterday afternoon I was debating whether I should see a doctor or a chiropractor and decided to sleep on the issue. As I was bedding down for the night (on the floor) there was a loud pop and all the pressure I had been feeling in the back was released.

This morning I found that the feeling had returned to my feet and toes. This was a relief since they were numb since the fall in the Smokies. Things are still a little tender but I'm convinced that there is no major problem that will hinder me from resuming early next week.

I anticipate a couple of low milage days till I get my legs fully back under me then I will start picking up the pace.

Posted by at May 7, 2005 04:23 PM