May 10, 2005

On the trail again

Just talked to Grayghost this evening. He was heading back to the trail. He had stopped at a Wal-Mart to pick up a new camera. Left his at home. He'll probably get it in the next care package from home. He and Mary Rose will be "camping" at a Holiday Inn this evening about an hour away from where he will re-enter the trail. He'll be hitting the trail sometime on Wednesday. Roy said that his back is ont 100% but it's a lot better than it was.

Roy said his next goal is to reach the southern border of Virginia. It's about 230 miles. He tells me that he doesn't look at finishing the entire trail as a goal. That's too far. He establishes goals that he can reach in two or three weeks. It's a boost to moral as he reaches a goal. He sets his next goal and continues on along the trail.

I'll be updating this as I get updates from Roy, either phone calls or e-mails. If you want to be on the notification list, drop me a line at and I'll add you to the list so that you can be notified when there are new entries.

Posted by john at May 10, 2005 11:29 PM