May 12, 2005

Date- Thursday, 5/12/05
Start- Groundhog Creek Shelter
Stop- Roaring Fork Shelter
Miles Travelled- 11.3

Today was a long, grueling day in the heat. The temperature was in the 80s. Despite all of the above the day was very rewarding.

The main feature of the day was Max Patch. While I've been on other Balds before, Max Patch is the most magnificent one I've seen. The summit is gently dome shaped, nearly a mile across, and completely devoid of trees. Couple these facts with a perfectly clear day and the fact that it is the highest point for miles and the view. The complete 360 degree circle was stunning. I stayed up there for 2 hours before I felt like I had to move on.

The trail was virtually empty of hikers today. Most it seems have skipped ahead to Damascus, VA. Damascus is holding its annual Trail Days festival this weekend.

Am currently in the shelter with Tom from Lexington and Charles from Nashville.

Posted by john at May 12, 2005 11:52 PM