May 13, 2005

Date- Friday, 5/13/05
Start- Roaring Fork Shelter
Stop- Deer Park Mountain Shelter
Miles Travelled- 11.7

Today actually seemed easy. Though there was the daily 1000+ foot climb, there was only one of them. The rest of the way was moderately downhill to level. The rain helped to cool me down too.

Got to the shelter at about 5 and had to make a difficult decision. Hot Springs is only 3 easy miles away and it is so tempting to want to move on. However, I figured that by the time I got there most of the businesses would be closed and I would incur the cost of a room without being able to accomplish anything. I thought it better to spend a free night here and be in town by breakfast.

Posted by john at May 13, 2005 11:53 PM