May 18, 2005

Date- Wednesday. 5/18/05
Start- Hogback Ridge Shelter
Stop- Bald Mtn Shelter
Miles Travelled- 10

I knew today was going to be a difficult day when I woke up. It was going to be hot and humid. There were a couple of long climbs. And my leg was still throbbing.

It was more difficult than I expected. I had resolved to rest frequently in order to keep from overstressing the leg. However, whenever I stopped clouds of biting black flies descended on me. The day was sheer misery. It took me 12 hours to cover those 10 miles. I didn't even notice the views from Big Bald, reputed to rival Max Patch.

It was so bad I started entertaining notlons of leaving the trail at Erwin.

Shortly after I got to the shelter, Bill arrived. Bill is a local and comes up to the shelter 2 or 3 times a week bringing goodies to the hikers. He walked up and offered me a beer. Now I haven't had a beer in years and declined. As we sat talking I was thinking about how this guy walked all the way up here to give someone a beer and that there was no one to give one to. I changed my mind and accepted one. It was delicious. I savored it for over an hour. When it was finished he took the can, wished me a good night, and left.

Posted by john at May 18, 2005 11:03 AM