May 19, 2005

Date- Thursday 5/19/05
Start- Bald Mtn Shelter
Stop- No Business Knob Shelter
Miles Travelled- 10.6

A relatively hike over wide trail on good grade. Of course, there was the daily big descent (into Spivey Gap) and ascent out of it. There must be some unwritten rule among Trail Maintainers stipulating that each day must have a major up and down.

The leg seemed to respond well to yesterdays light day. I'm still taking it slow and breaking often. It is a bit frustrating and may cause me to re-evaluate how far I will get this season. I was wanting to be able to maintain a 15 mile per day pace. I seem to have the heart and lungs for it. The legs just can't seem to keep up.

Posted by john at May 19, 2005 11:05 PM