June 02, 2005

Date- Thursday 6/2/05
Start- Vandeventer Shelter
Stop- Double Spring Shelter
Miles Travelled- 14.4

Slept surprisingly well last night while the wind roared and howled. It was almost as loud as a UPS jet.

Conditions were only slightly better this morning. I took this to be a good sign, at least they weren't worse. However, I planned another 6.7 mile day.

By noon conditions had improved to what I call perfect. The wind had died and the rain stopped. It remained overcast with the temperature hanging in the mid-fifties. I also hit the section of trail nicknamed, "The Tennessee Turnpike". This is a long stretch of broad, relatively flat trail. The few ups and downs are short and well graded. Best of all, it runs all the way into Virginia (only 15 miles away).

I passed by the Nick Grindstaff memorial today. Nick is Tennessee's most celebrated hermit. He went out west to find his fortune and did indeed become wealthy. He was a kind, trusting man and was soon swindled out of everything he had. He returned to Tennessee and lived as a hermit for the rest of his life.

Posted by at June 2, 2005 01:16 PM