June 03, 2005

Date- Friday 6/3/05
Start- Double Spring Shelter
Stop- Damascus, VA
Miles Travelled- 18.3

A number of firsts today. The first time I started before 8:00 am. The first time I was able to do consecutive long days without destroying my legs. My first sightings of a bear and great horned owl. The first time I was attacked by a bird. The first day I tripped over my shorts.

When I stopped last night I toyed with the idea of trying to reach Damascus today. Eighteen miles was unthinkable a few weeks ago. It would be a long day but this is the Tennessee Turnpike.

I surprised myself when I woke up early eager to go. Once started I fell back into a familiar pattern. It took 7 hours to cover the first 8 miles. High gear then kicked in and I covered the final 10 miles in less than 4 hours. I can't believe it takes me so long to loosen up but apparently it does.

I was a little nervous for a while today. I spied fresh bear tracks and scat. The tracks were going the same way I was. After about 10 minutes I finally saw it. Actually I saw a bear butt as it was scrambling down the side of the mountain. I guess it heard me coming and decided to vacate the area. The whole incident had me looking over my shoulder for a mile or so.

A few years ago I went to Gettysburg with a group of Scouts. As we were hiking in the area we passed a small farm that had a flock of chickens milling around the yard. One of the scouts decided he wanted to pet a chicken. Unfortunately for him the chicken wanted nothing to do with the matter and attacked with beak and talon. It got to be a joke because he took a licken from a chicken.

Well, a similar thing happened to me today. I was walking along when a very agitated grouse exploded out of the brush. It was hissing and pecking at my legs. I took more than a few quick steps to get out of its territory.

It finally happened. I lost most of my waistline and my shorts are getting looser and looser. In fact I've been sagging for a couple of weeks. Today they slid clear down to my knees. Sometimes hiking alone has its advantages.

Posted by at June 3, 2005 01:17 PM