June 04, 2005

Date- Saturday 6/4/05
Start- Damascus, VA
Stop- Damascus, VA
Miles Travelled- 0

Today was general clean up and resupply day. A shower and clean clothes make me feel like a new person. I also thoroughly washed my cookpot and spoon and reprovisioned. I've also been rehydrating. I must have drunk a gallon and a half of water today.

Alas, I finally broke down and bought a new pair of socks. I hated doing so but my old pair had about 800 miles on them and were beginning to get a bit thin in spots. Smart Wools are expensive to buy but they are worth the price.

I am staying at, "The Place" a hostel operated by the Damascus United Methodist Church. It is another honor system hostel. You come in, pick a bunk, sign the register, and put your 2,3, or 4 dollars in the box.

Damascus is very used to us transients. The AT and 2 major bicycle trails The Virginia Creeper and The National Bike Trail converge on the town. The town isn't very big about 5 blocks long and 3 or 4 wide but I counted 6 churches. The Gideons must have had a field day here. Of course the hostel has several but I also found 2 at the laundry and 1 in a restaurant.

It is very warm today. Hope the temperature is cooler at the higher elevations as I will be going up about 4,000 ft over the next 2 days.

Posted by at June 4, 2005 01:18 PM