June 05, 2005

Date- Sunday 6/5/05
Start- Damascus, VA
Stop- Lost Mountain Shelter
Miles Travelled- 15.8

Last night I was invited to a party. Stops-A-Lot hosted a 500 mile party. It was at the Mill, Damascus' Inn, Restaurant, and Pub. About a dozen people were there. It was essentially an open bar with all drinks charged to his room. I had a couple of soft drinks and excused myself saying, truthfully that I had to get dinner. He wouldn't hear of that and had the waitress bring me a menu. The prices made me wince but I ordered at his insistence. It cost me nothing. I finally broke down and had a beer. I left at 9:00 because I knew I had a long day ahead. I heard that everyone else stayed till the place closed at 2:30am.

My plans for an early start were upset when 1 1/2 out of town I realized I didn't have my camera and had to go back to get it. That 3 miles is not reflected in the miles travelled.

Some sections of today's hike were very easy. Other sections were rough and it was tempting to cheat. The AT ran parallel to the Virginia Creeper Trail. In fact the AT and the Creeper were one and the same at either end of the hike. After a half mile or so the 2 diverged an the AT rose 1,000 feet , descended, rose another thousand, and then descended to rejoin the Creeper which had remained flat.

Tomorrow promises to be a hard day with a 2,300 ft ascent, 1,000 foot descent, and 1,400 foot ascent. Looks like the Tennessee Turnpike did not extend into Virginia. Hope its cooler tomorrow than it was today.

Posted by at June 5, 2005 01:19 PM