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2003 Journal

2003 Photos

2005 Journal

2005 Photos






Journals and Photos

Two Appalachian Trail hikes have been recorded here. Journals are a strange device. The may not only contain objective descriptions of what happened but they may also contain random thoughts, musings, and explanations as they pop into my head. They not only describe an experience but open a window into the way I think and feel about the experience.

The first is the 2003 through hike attempt. The other is the 2005 hike which will be recorded as it progresses. Updates are not made daily. They are updated when I have access. to email and can complete the updates.

Each month is considered a separate chapter and has its own link.

The photo section contains selected pictures that were taken during the hike. Sorry to say that I am not much of a photo bug so pickings are slim in this area.

2005 photos may have to wait till I return from the hike in order to catalog and order them.